Mahmut Aksit obtained his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Sabanci University in 2008. He went on to pursue graduate studies at Cornell University under the guidance of Professor Richard Robinson and was awarded his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering in 2014. Mahmut’s Ph.D. research involved novel synthesis/characterization methods and applications for metal oxide nanosheets and low temperature (<0.4 K) phonon transport experiments /simulations on Si nanosheets. His work on “Scalable nano-manufacturing of millimeter long NaxCoO2 Nanosheets” was published as a front cover article in Journal of Materials Chemistry (2012) and highlighted by R&D Magazine (2012). The same work was also highlighted by U.S. Department of Energy in two separate articles entitled “Metal Oxide Nanosheets: Graphene’s Inorganic Cousin” (Office of Basic Energy Sciences, January 2012) and “Thin Oxides, Thick Prospects” (Frontiers in Energy Research, July 2012).
After completion of his Ph.D. studies Dr. Aksit joined 3M Company’s Corporate Research Materials Laboratory as senior materials chemist and during his 3M career he performed research on many practical applications including air resistant quantum dot enhancement films for color improvement in electronic displays, new generation biocompatible dental fillers/liners, retro-reflecting materials for autonomous vehicle guidance, non-linear resistance composites for high voltage insulation, novel acoustic materials for improving bass sounds in speakers, new generation thermoelectric materials and modules etc.
During his Cornell University and 3M Company career, Dr. Aksit authored 5 journal publications and he has been listed as inventor for 33 international patent applications associated with 14 distinct inventions. As of February 2019, Dr. Aksit moved to Turkey with the support of TÜBİTAK 2232 International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers Programme and since then he has been working as an assistant professor at Gebze Technical University’s (GTU) Physics Department. Dr. Aksit is also affiliated with GTU’s Energy Technologies Institute.
Selected public appearances of Dr. Aksit’s research ( JMC cover article, U.S. Department of Energy – Frontiers in Energy Research Highlights, U.S. Department of Energy – Basic Energy Sciences Highlights, PhysicsToday):

Snapshots from Dr. Aksit’s teaching: